Camptown Business Improvement District

A Promise to...
implement direct and improve our industrial area

The Camptown Business Improvement District is comprised of over 150 businesses located on approximately 132 acres.


Virtual CBID Board of Directors Meeting

Wednesday, July 31, 2024  •  15:00 
For Zoom meeting invitation, email to by Tuesday, July 30, 5 pm

Welcome to CBID

Our Mission:
To implement, direct, and improve OUR industrial area with economic revitalization through self-management assisted by Township and State programs.

The Camptown Business Improvement District is comprised of over 150 businesses located on approximately 132 acres. Our district extends from Paine Avenue on the Hillside border to Clinton Avenue, and from Grove Street to Fabian Avenue.

Through the dedication of our Board of Directors, we have mapped out plans that will bring these ideas and dreams to reality!

What we need is your support, because we are not only manufacturers, distributors, and wholesalers, but we also have our own “retail” businesses ranging from food stores, beauty shops, eyewear, auto supplies and dealers, to eateries, ice cream shops, a mattress shops and a peanut/candy manufacturer open to the public.

We have hired extensive cleaning crews and security patrols and spruced up the district with new trash cans, colorful banners, and security floodlights.

We invite you to patron our industries, our retail stores which makes Irvington a unique place to shop. If we can do anything for you, kindly call our office at (973) 979-9134.

Our MIssion

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Our History

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Our Benefits

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Our Mission

To implement, direct, and improve OUR industrial area with economic revitalization through self-management assisted by Township and State programs.

The Camptown Business Improvement District is comprised of over 150 businesses located on approximately 132 acres. Our district extends from Paine Avenue on the Hillside border to Clinton Avenue, and from Grove Street to Fabian Avenue.

Through the dedication of our Board of Directors, we have mapped out plans that will bring these ideas and dreams to reality!

What we need is your support, because we are not only manufacturers, distributors, and wholesalers, but we also have our own “retail” businesses ranging from food stores, beauty shops, eyewear, auto supplies and dealers, to eateries, ice cream shops, a mattress shops and a peanut/candy manufacturer open to the public.

We have hired extensive cleaning crews and security patrols and spruced up the district with new trash cans, colorful banners, and security floodlights.

We invite you to patronage our industries our shop in our retail stores which would make Irvington. If we can do anything for you, kindly call our office at (973) 395-8900.

CBID: A Pictorial Tour

about us


2024 Officers & Directors

(973) 979-9134 • Fax (862) 367-8316



The CBID has invested over $3000 to purchase and install two sample trash cans to help alleviate excess litter in the district.

The cans are located at 141 Coit Street and at the corner of Chancellor Avenue and Coit Street, two locations identified with excess litter.

The CBID is monitoring the effectiveness of the cans before deciding whether to invest in more cans.


The CBID has begun a Gateway project to identify and beautify the major entrances to the district. Ten (10) Gateways are available to CBID members and non-members to promote their businesses. This first Gateway, sponsored by Stuyvesant Press, is located on Lyons Avenue and Grove Street. The second is located on Chancellor Avenue near Coit Street and is sponsored by Investors Bank. A third Gateway is planned at the Interstate 78 ramp and will be sponsored by Real Antique Wood.

The Gateway consists of a natural wood flower box, seasonal flowers, CBID Welcome Sign, and sponsorship plate. Arizona Landscaping has been hired by the CBID to construct the boxes and plant and maintain the flowers.

Sponsorships are available on an annual basis to any Irvington business. For more information, contact the CBID office.


The bulk of the CBID budget is expended on cleanliness projects, including daily sidewalk sweeping, weed-whacking, and illegal dumping removal by Arizona Landscaping, and new trash cans recently added throughout the district.



The CBID provides a matching grant of up to $5000 to its members to install internal and external security cameras in order to promote safety in the district.

The CBID has installed 18 security floodlights (see photo at left) through-out the district and has, in the past, hired a security firm which patrolled the district.Other security measures, including security cameras, are now under consideration by the CBID.

Any Question?

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